Understanding the Labor Market for Call Center Staff in Salt Lake City

The Salt Lake City area is host to a myriad of industries including call centers. By providing customer support and telemarketing needs, call centers are critical for supporting multiple companies and industries. When a call center struggles to find and retain employees, many businesses can be financially impacted. Our recruiters at TalentTeam have decades of experience with the local labor market and placing the call center employees in the right positions to reduce costly turnover.

Woman in call center talking

Need for Call Center Staff

As more call centers are established in the Salt Lake City area, the growing demand for call center staff has a significant impact on the local labor market. With many other new businesses competing for job seekers, it may be hard to find the right staff in the right quantity. Additionally, it can be difficult to keep staff members in their positions – taking a toll on productivity and profitability.

Call Center Skills

Call center employees need to think quickly on their feet, be great at taking direction, and be good at communicating with a variety of people. In order to handle customer service needs, troubleshoot problems, and provide quality assurance, you want your call center staff to be strong communicators and who can adapt to your company’s needs, standards, and requirements.

Finding the Right Employees

With the labor market showing a need for call center employees in Salt Lake City and the need for their skills to be top-notch, it’s imperative to find employees who are properly suited for your business. This is where TalentTeam’s recruitment specialists come into play. Our experienced team has served Salt Lake City area businesses for decades and understands the requirements for call center employees. We have a process to vet future employees and determine that they’re the right for your call center staff.

Our process of vetting job seekers includes the following:

  • Thorough application process
  • Personalized interviews
  • Understanding of employee’s desires and passions for work
  • Knowledge of the candidate’s background and skills
Man in wheelchair working at call center

Our team discovers the ideal work environment for job seekers and then finds an ideal place for them. Once our recruiters know the ideal call center staff you need, we can provide them to you. We look to ensure that, once we place a candidate, they begin fully-trained and ready to integrate into your business, increasing their productivity and job-satisfaction while reducing your employee turnover.

Call Center Labor Market Turnover

Turnover is costly for call centers. By working with TalentTeam, we answer the hard questions our employees may have and help to find the best position for them. This means your company benefits from less turnover and employees who are happy and dedicated in their positions.

One of the best reasons to choose TalentTeam to provide your call center staff is our dedication to keeping our clients happy. We are committed to understanding your unique and changing needs to provide you with the right employees when you need them. This is how we’ve been successful in the Salt Lake City labor market for the last several decades.

Additionally, it’s important to have a diverse team at your company. This can help improve employee retention and satisfaction. TalentTeam’s massive database of candidates helps ensure you have a diversified team that will work well together.

Contact TalentTeam Today

If you’re ready to fill your team and ensure that all of your call center staff are prepared and ready for their positions, TalentTeam is the ideal solution. Our team will meet with you and determine your precise needs. We’ll answer all of your questions and ensure you’re ready to move forward with us. Then, we’ll search our existing database of job seekers to see if we have people that match what you’re looking for. If not, we’ll begin interviewing new job seekers, as we get new people entering the labor market daily. Our exhaustive process ensures that you’ll have employees with the best fit for the job and your culture so that you can reduce the costly turnover.

To speak with the recruitment specialists at TalentTeam, please schedule a consultation. Or, you may call us any time at 801-574-2750.

Schedule a Consultation

Steve Pluim

Steve Pluim is the president of TalentTeam, a Salt Lake City based staffing and recruiting firm.

Steve can be reached by email at steve.pluim@talentteam.com

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